Wednesday, December 18, 2019


Please come prepared for our Speakeasy tomorrow!!

Reminder: In the side bar (need to view full website) is the first semester extra credit project. Winter break is a great time to gather some friends and get this done!

Upcoming Dates:
12/19: 1920s Speakeasy
12/20: Research project step 4 due.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019


Today we discussed the rise of Leisure and Celebrity in the 1920s.

Leisure and celebrity

Upcoming Dates:
12/19: 1920s Speakeasy
12/20: Research project step 4 due.


Today students had work time for their Speakeasy project.

Speakeasy Instructions

Speakeasy Character List and Slang

Guidance for Source Evaluation project (we will show a more detailed example on Monday)

Rubric for Source Evaluation project


OPVCL examples

Upcoming Dates:

12/19: 1920s Speakeasy
12/20: Research project step 4 due.

Friday, December 13, 2019


Today we discussed the struggles and triumphs of African Americans during the 1920s.

1920s African Americans notes

We also chose our characters for the Speakeasy next Thursday. If absent, see Mrs. Santos or Mrs. Cossano for your character assignment.

Speakeasy Instructions

Speakeasy Character List and Slang

Guidance for Source Evaluation project (we will show a more detailed example on Monday)

Rubric for Source Evaluation project

Upcoming Dates:
12/16: 1920s/Gatsby 11 sentence in class essay
12/19: 1920s Speakeasy
12/20: Research project step 4 due.

Thursday, December 12, 2019


Today we discussed 1920s politics and the Rise of Christian Fundamentalism.

Politics and Fundamentalism class notes

DUE Tomorrow: Critically read "America Belongs to Americans," paying attention to the questions at the top.

Speakeasy Instructions

Speakeasy Character List and Slang

Upcoming Dates:
12/13: KKK propaganda critical read
12/16: 1920s/Gatsby 11 sentence in class essay
12/19: 1920s Speakeasy

12/20: Research project step 4 due.


Today we discussed women in the 1920s and looked at the modern vs. traditional women. We also discussed the differing ideas of modern women by sharing our thoughts from the Flapper Jane and Margaret Sanger readings.

When finished we also looked at Prohibition and organized crime in the 1920s. Students then had work time for the Gatsby eulogy.

1920s women class notes

1920s Prohibition and economics

Upcoming Dates:
12/13: KKK propaganda critical read
12/16: 1920s/Gatsby 11 sentence in class essay
12/19: 1920s Speakeasy
12/20: Research project step 4 due.

Monday, December 9, 2019


Today students had library work time for their research project.

Due Wednesday December 11th: You were given one of the readings below to critically read. If absent, choose one to read.

Margaret Sanger reading

Flapper Jane reading

Sunday, December 8, 2019


Today we held our structured academic controversy on The Palmer Raids. If absent, just complete the prep sheet and hand in. (link on Thursday's post).

Due Wednesday December 11th: You were given one of the readings below to critically read. If absent, choose one to read.

Margaret Sanger reading

Flapper Jane reading

Due Monday: Broad overview research for first semester project on Tii. (step 3)

First semester research project assignment sheet

Language lens definitions

Upcoming Dates:
12/6: Broad overview research for first semester project

Thursday, December 5, 2019


Today we discussed the Red Scare of the 1920s and the Palmer Raids.

Red Scare and Palmer Raids class notes

The Red Scare and the Palmer Raids

Palmer Raids SAC prep sheet

Tomorrow we will have a mini-debate on the Palmer Raids. You will need to turn in your prep sheet. If absent, you can choose pro or against the Palmer Raids.

First semester research project assignment sheet

Language lens definitions

Brief topic list

Upcoming Dates:
12/6: Palmer Raids SAC
12/6: Research project topic choice due

Tuesday, December 3, 2019


Today we finished our discussion on WWI.

WWI class notes  If absent, read and take notes on the sections in the jigsaw. Many students took pictures of our boards. You may also use those.

We will be doing a structured academic controversy (basically a mini-debate) on Friday. There are some readings and a prep sheet required. If you would like to get a start on the readings, click the link below. This will very much lighten your load on Thursday evening.

The Red Scare and the Palmer Raids

Today we also introduced our first semester integrated research project. The assignment sheet and language lens definitions are below. By Friday you need to have chosen your language lens and topic which we will check off in class. If you have questions about the assignment, please come talk to or email Mrs. Santos or Mrs. Cossano. I have included a topic list if you need some ideas. This is very brief and you should by no means feel limited by this list. Choose a topic that interests you from the time period.

First semester research project assignment sheet

Language lens definitions

Brief topic list

Upcoming Dates:
12/6: Palmer Raids SAC
12/6: Research project topic choice due

Monday, December 2, 2019


Today we discussed the causes of WWI and U.S. motivations for involvement.

WWI class notes (stop when you get to the jigsaw)

Tuesday, November 26, 2019


Today we finished our discussion on the Spanish American War by looking at public sentiment and creating our own Yellow Journalism headlines. (No need to make-up if absent).

Spanish-American War class notes

Monday, November 25, 2019


Today we discussed the Spanish-American War and the effects of Yellow Journalism. We also took a reading quiz on chapter 20.

Spanish-American War class notes (stop when you get to the public sentiment slide)

Upcoming Dates:
11/26: Make-up Socratic seminar during flex time (only for students who were absent on Tuesday)


Today we discussed U.S. Imperialism and the conquest of Hawaii.

Hawaii class notes

**For Monday, please read chapter 20 in TCI and take notes. Guiding questions are in the powerpoint.

Upcoming Dates:
11/25: Chapter 20 reading notes
11/26: Make-up Socratic seminar during flex time (only for students who were absent on Tuesday)

Thursday, November 21, 2019


Today we did a gallery walk of our propaganda posters and finished off our discussion of the Progressive Era by looking at those things that were omitted or went against Progressive ideals.

Progressive Era debrief

Upcoming Dates:
11/26: Make-up Socratic seminar during flex time (only for students who were absent on Tuesday)

Wednesday, November 20, 2019


Today we looked at the activists (both political and social) of the Progressive Era. Students worked in small groups to create a propaganda poster promoting a Progressive Era activist.

If absent, choose one of the people on the last slide of today's class notes and create a propaganda poster according to the directions (second to last slide).

Progressive Activists class notes

Progressive People ppt for activity

Upcoming Dates:
11/26: Make-up Socratic seminar during flex time (only for students who were absent on Tuesday)

Tuesday, November 19, 2019


Today was our Gilded Age Socratic Seminar. If absent, there will be a make-up Socratic Seminar next Tuesday during flex time.

Students should also have turned in a hard copy of their final essay today.

Monday, November 18, 2019


Today students presented their projects during our World's Fair.

**Don't forget to submit your final essay by 10pm AND bring a hard copy tomorrow!

Upcoming Dates:
11/18: Final essay due
11/19: Gilded Age Socratic Seminar

Friday, November 15, 2019


Today students had a work day for their World's Fair Project.

Upcoming Dates:
11/18: Final essay due
11/18: World's Fair
11/19: Gilded Age Socratic Seminar

Thursday, November 14, 2019


Today students worked in the library on their World's Fair Project.

World's Fair project

World's Fair Rubric

**Remember to bring in your rough draft tomorrow for peer editing if you forgot it today.

Upcoming Dates:
11/18: Final essay due
11/18: World's Fair
11/19: Gilded Age Socratic Seminar

Wednesday, November 13, 2019


Today students worked in the library on their LA work.

World's Fair project

**Remember to bring in your rough draft tomorrow for peer editing if you forgot it today.

Upcoming Dates:
11/18: Final essay due
11/18: World's Fair
11/19: Gilded Age Socratic Seminar

Tuesday, November 12, 2019


Today we looked at the effects of widespread immigration and urbanization during the Gilded Age.

Immigration and Urbanization class notes

Chinese Immigration readings

We also introduced our World's Fair project which will take place on Monday Nov. 18. Assignment sheet is below and topic assignments are in the powerpoint above.

World's Fair project

**Remember to bring in your rough draft tomorrow for peer editing. It should be uploaded to Turnitin by 10 pm tonight.

Upcoming Dates:
11/18: Final essay due
11/18: World's Fair
11/19: Gilded Age Socratic Seminar

Friday, November 8, 2019


Today we looked at the effects of Industrialization below the gilt.

Industrialization  class notes

Upcoming Dates:
11/12: Essay rough draft due
11/18: Final essay due
11/18: World's Fair
11/19: Gilded Age Socratic Seminar

Thursday, November 7, 2019


Today we discussed the above the Gilt side of Industrialization.

Industrialization  class notes (Just go through the Gospel of Wealth)

Gospel of Wealth reading (discussion questions in class notes

Integrated Essay assignment sheet

Below are some of the pictures we looked at to show racist propaganda in the Reconstruction era. They have captions and they are from a book called Stony the Road by Henry Louis Gates Many students are referencing these in their papers.

Stony the Road justifications for racism images

Upcoming Dates:
11/12: Essay rough draft due
11/18: Final essay due
11/19: Gilded Age Socratic Seminar

Wednesday, November 6, 2019


Today students worked in small groups to read and teach about the Native American conflicts post-Civil War. If absent, use the class notes and the reading below to take notes on each of the conflicts.

Native American Battles class notes

Native American reading

Integrated Essay assignment sheet

Upcoming Dates:
11/12: Essay rough draft due

Tuesday, November 5, 2019


Today students finished viewing/analyzing Far and Away with Mrs. Cossano.

Integrated Essay assignment sheet

Upcoming Dates:
11/12: Essay rough draft due

Monday, November 4, 2019


Today we discussed what motivations behind and glorification of Westward expansion during the Gilded Age.

Westward expansion class notes

Integrated Essay assignment sheet

Upcoming Dates:
11/4: Essay outline due TONIGHT by 10pm on Tii
11/12: Essay rough draft due

Friday, November 1, 2019


Today we introduced our Gilded Age unit by looking at images from the time period and gaining an understanding of why it was called the Gilded Age.

Gilded Age Intro

Integrated Essay assignment sheet

Upcoming Dates:
11/4: Essay outline due

Thursday, October 31, 2019


Today we worked in the library on our integrated essay.

Integrated Essay assignment sheet

Upcoming Dates:
11/4: Essay outline due


Today we took our Civil War unit exam. Students then had time to work on their integrated essay.

Integrated Essay assignment sheet

Upcoming Dates:
11/4: Essay outline due


Today students worked with Mrs. Cossano during class.

STUDY GUIDE Civil War unit

**REMINDER** Students voted to move our Civil War test up to Wednesday 10/30 to allow focus to shift to the integrated essay and leave the holiday free.

Integrated Essay assignment sheet

Upcoming Dates:
10/30: Civil War unit test
11/4: Essay outline due

Monday, October 28, 2019


Today we discussed the evolution of Racism. We looked at the "justifications" for racism and the impact on the African American image post-reconstruction.

Evolution of Racism notes

STUDY GUIDE Civil War unit

**REMINDER** Students voted to move our Civil War test up to Wednesday 10/30 to allow focus to shift to the integrated essay and leave the holiday free.

Integrated Essay assignment sheet

Upcoming Dates:
10/30: Civil War unit test
11/4: Essay outline due

Friday, October 25, 2019


Today we discussed the rhetoric of the Lost Cause and its lasting effects.

Lost Cause class notes

Homework due Monday: UDC catechism analysis paragraph

Upcoming Dates:
10/28: Read the UDC Catechisms. Write a paragraph answering the question at the top.
11/1: Civil War Unit Exam

Thursday, October 24, 2019


Today we discussed the Fall of Reconstruction.

Fall of Reconstruction class notes

Upcoming Dates:
10/28: Read the UDC Catechisms. Write a paragraph answering the question at the top.
11/1: Civil War Unit Exam


Today students worked with Mrs. Cossano on LA.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


Today we discussed Reconstruction and the toll of the Civil War. We did a group graded discussion. If absent, please complete a written response to the blue questions on slide 10 in the powerpoint below and give to Mrs. Santos. We also took a reading quiz so don't forget to schedule a make-up.

Reconstruction class notes

Monday, October 21, 2019


Today discussed the basics of the Civil War. We also wrote a response to a document based question (DBQ) on the Gettysburg Address. If absent, read the Gettysburg Address and answer the questions at the top, link below.

Gettysburg Address DBQ

Civil War Class notes

Upcoming Dates:
10/22: Reading Notes on Chapter 11 of TCI (questions on Homework slide in above powerpoint)

Friday, October 18, 2019


Today we got an overview of the Civil War by looking at key people/places, advantages/disadvantages of each side and tactics of each side. Class notes are below. Stop when you get to the homework slide. We will break down the war on Monday.

Civil War Class notes

Upcoming Dates:
10/22: Reading Notes on Chapter 11 of TCI (questions on Homework slide in above powerpoint)

Thursday, October 17, 2019


Today we took and open note mid-unit quiz covering everything from Abolition/female reformers through the Civil War timeline.

**If absent, I have assigned you to flex time on Wednesday October 23rd to make-up the quiz. If you would like to take it a different time, please email Mrs. Santos.

Upcoming Dates:
10/22: Reading Notes on Chapter 11 of TCI



Tuesday, October 15, 2019


Today we discussed the second half of our analytical timeline. Discussion questions and additional information are in the class notes below. Students will turn in their timelines after the quiz on Thursday.

Timeline Discussion

Upcoming Dates:
10/17: Mid-unit quiz (Women, Abolition, Expansion, Mexican/American War, Timeline)

Thursday, October 10, 2019


Today students had a work day to complete their Civil War analytical timeline.

Upcoming Dates:
10/15: Civil War Timeline full due
10/17: Mid-unit quiz (Women, Abolition, Expansion, Mexican/American War, Timeline)


Today we debriefed the first half of our analytical timeline as a class. Tomorrow will be a work day for the second half. If you have a laptop, I recommend bringing it to class to maximize your work time.

Analytical Timeline instructions

Upcoming Dates:
10/15: Civil War Timeline full due
10/17: Mid-unit quiz (Women, Abolition, Expansion, Mexican/American War, Timeline)


Today students worked on LA with Mrs. Cossano.

Analytical Timeline instructions

Upcoming Dates:
10/10: Civil War Timeline first half due
10/15: Civil War Timeline full due
10/17: Mid-unit quiz (Women, Abolition, Expansion, Mexican/American War, Timeline)

Wednesday, October 9, 2019


Today students began work on their Road to Civil War analytical timeline. Instructions are below.

Analytical Timeline instructions

Upcoming Dates:
10/10: Civil War Timeline first half due
10/15: Civil War Timeline full due
10/17: Mid-unit quiz (Women, Abolition, Expansion, Mexican/American War, Timeline)

Monday, October 7, 2019


Today we discussed Westward Expansion and the Texas war for Independence. Students then discussed the Mexican American War with their table groups using the readings from the weekend.

Expansion and War notes

If absent, review the questions at the end of the slide and make sure you can discuss these ideas. Jot down answers in your notes.

Please note, that tomorrow's flex time will now be devoted to those desiring to do test corrections. You may gain back up to  half of the points you missed if completed thoroughly. If you would like to sign up and have been locked out, contact Mrs. Santos. You may also do test corrections on Wednesday's flex time. Before and after school is also an option. Tuesday the 15th will be the final day for corrections.

Friday, October 4, 2019


Today we discussed Abolition in groups and answered some analysis questions about our Abolitionist readings.

Abolition class notes

Abolitionist discussion questions (if absent, answer these questions on your own and turn in to Mrs. Santos)

Homework: Below are the Mexican America War readings that will be due on Monday. For the American perspective, just take notes like a textbook reading. For the Mexican perspective you may critically read. If you have printing issues, feel free to just write down your thoughts on the Mexican Viewpoint.

American Perspective M-A War

Mexican Perspective M-A War

Thursday, October 3, 2019


Today we discussed female reformers during the early 1800s.

Female reformers class notes

Homework due tomorrow: Abolitionist readings

Below are the Mexican America War readings that will be due on Monday. For the American perspective, just take notes like a textbook reading. For the Mexican perspective you may critically read.

American Perspective M-A War

Mexican Perspective M-A War

Upcoming Dates:
10/4: Abolitionist readings due

Wednesday, October 2, 2019


Today students took the Early America unit test. If absent, please schedule a time with Mrs. Santos to make up the test.

Upcoming Dates:
10/4: Abolitionist readings due

Tuesday, October 1, 2019


Today students worked during the extended period on Transcendentalism with Mrs. Cossano.

**Note that the due date for the Abolitionist readings has been moved to Friday 10/4.

Upcoming Dates:
10/2: Early America Test
10/4: Abolitionist readings due

Monday, September 30, 2019


**Please note that Tuesday's exam has been moved to Wednesday!

Today students presented their Constitutional Crisis jigsaw piece to their groups. Don't forget to email your project to Mrs. Santos!!!

Below are examples for each event if you need a refresher:

Alien and Sedition Acts
Marbury vs. Madison
Tariff Crisis  Simpler Tariff Crisis
Missouri Compromise
Election of 1824
Jackson's Bank War
Indian Removal Act

Remember tomorrow is our Early America unit exam!! You may bring in a one-sided notecard to use on the test (no fonts that need a magnifying glass!).

Flex time tomorrow and Wednesday will be quiet homework time. Students can work on their abolitionist readings.

Upcoming Dates:
10/2: Early America unit exam (study guide)
10/4: Abolitionist readings (critically read and be prepared to discuss)


Today students worked in the library on their constitutional crisis research.

Upcoming Dates:
9/30: Constitutional Crisis jigsaw due
10/1: Early America Test

Thursday, September 26, 2019


Today students worked in the library on their constitutional crisis research.

Upcoming Dates:
9/30: Constitutional Crisis jigsaw due
10/1: Early America Test

Wednesday, September 25, 2019


Today we discussed the emergence of political parties in the United States and discussed the problems this caused in the early elections.

Emergence of political parties notes

We also introduced our Constitutional Crisis jigsaw. This will be due on Monday. Instructions are below. If absent, check with Mrs. Santos to find out your group and what event you are researching.

Constitutional Crisis jigsaw instructions

Upcoming Dates:
9/30: Constitutional Crisis jigsaw due
10/1: Early America Test


Today students worked during our extended period with Mrs. Cossano.

Upcoming Dates:
9/30: Early America Test

Monday, September 23, 2019


Today students participated in a graded discussion on The Bill of Rights. If absent, choose 3 of the amendments and write down what it means to you and how it could be interpreted differently by others that might lead to controversy.

Unit 1 Study guide (Big concepts are in bold. Stuff not in bold are suggestions for reviewing that concept)

Our unit 1 exam has been moved to Tuesday October 1. This will be a short answer exam. I will run a review for the exam during Tuesday's flex time and we will do a short review in class on Monday the 30th. Students will be allowed one side of one notecard to record ideas/details to use on the test. (Must be handwritten!)

Upcoming Dates:
9/30: Early America Test

Friday, September 20, 2019


Today students worked with a partner to complete a Constitution Scavenger hunt. If absent, use the constitution on page 702 of your textbook to answer the questions on the sheet linked below.

Constitution scavenger hunt

Homework due Monday: Critically read the Bill of Rights in preparation for Monday's graded discussion. Be prepared to discuss your thoughts on each amendment as well as other possible interpretations.

Upcoming Dates:
9/23: Bill of Rights graded discussion
9/30: Early America Test

Thursday, September 19, 2019


Today we discussed the post-Revolutionary War years. We looked at the problems with the Articles of Confederation and the formation of the Constitution.

Articles and Constitution class notes

Tonight was also curriculum night! Parents, you can find our presentation below. It is also on my main home page.

Curriculum night presentation

Upcoming Dates:
9/23: Bill of Rights graded discussion
9/30: Early America Test

Wednesday, September 18, 2019


Today was an extended learning day so students worked with Mrs. Cossano on LA (yesterday was the opposite).

Upcoming Dates:
9/30: Early America Unit Exam

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


Today we debriefed the end of the Revolutionary War. (see yesterday's notes) Students then worked in groups to create a Revolutionary Ideals poster. If absent, you will do this as an individual on a regular sized piece of paper.

Revolutionary Ideals poster: Read the Declaration of Independence and decide on the 5 most important points (revolutionary ideals/american values) set forth in the declaration. Using a quote for each one, create a visual that portrays these 5 ideals. See Mrs. Santos if you would like an example.

Upcoming Dates:
9/30: Early America Unit Exam

Monday, September 16, 2019


Today we discussed the major battles of the revolutionary. We watched a documentary (link below) about the tactics used by the British and the Americans in the south. If absent, watch until they start discussing Yorktown and take notes on the tactics of each side and their effectiveness.

Revolution class notes

World Turned Upside Down documentary

Upcoming Dates:
9/17: Core values evidence work (instructions at the end of Friday's ppt)

Friday, September 13, 2019


Today we finished our Road to Revolution charts and debriefed. We then looked at the final steps to the start of the Revolutionary War.

Road to Revolution class notes

Homework due Monday: read Declaration of Independence

Homework due Tuesday: Revolutionary/core American values evidence work (see today's class notes)

Upcoming Dates:
9/16: Declaration of Independence (just read it)
9/17: Core values evidence work

Thursday, September 12, 2019


Today we discussed the early colonial events that led to the Revolutionary War and started our Road to Revolution charts. Students will have about 20 minutes to finish these in class tomorrow.

French and Indian War class notes

Road to Revolution chart (use chapter 5 of your book or other research)

Wednesday, September 11, 2019


Today we discussed colonial society. We looked at the Puritans and introduced the social hysteria formula.

Colonial Society class notes

City on a Hill (read in class. Discussion questions are in ppt. No need to critically read).

No homework tonight! :)

Tuesday, September 10, 2019


Today was an extended learning day so students spent first period working with Mrs. Cossano on Native American creation myths. (No SS content today)

Upcoming Dates:
9/11: Syllabus due
9/13: student survey due

Monday, September 9, 2019


Today we discussed colonization in the United States. We looked at motivations, the three regions and their main characteristics, and the origins of slavery. Students also turned in their purple Zinn reading on the Native Americans.

Colonization class notes

Instructions for signing up for the online textbook are at the end of today's powerpoint. Please sign up by Wednesday.

Upcoming Dates:
9/11: Syllabus due
9/13: student survey due

Friday, September 6, 2019


Today we discussed looked at an overview of pre-colonial Native Americans. We looked at why they are an important part of our nation's history and common misconceptions we see in early perspectives of the Native Americans.

Native American Class Notes (Make sure to check with a friend to get any notes from the discussion questions)

Colonial view of Native Americans reading

Homework: read the reading linked above. Answer the questions at the end. Due Monday.

Upcoming Dates:
9/9: Native Americans reading
9/9: Cultural Ideals pre-assessment due
9/11: Syllabus due
9/13: student survey due

Thursday, September 5, 2019


Today we had pictures! We then worked on a cultural values writing assessment (due Monday at the start of class). We discussed cultural values (slides 1-4), wrote a thesis (slide 5), and then worked on the assessment (slide 6). Students do NOT need to work on this tonight at home.

Upcoming Dates:

9/11: Syllabus due
9/9: Cultural Ideals pre-assessment due
9/13: student survey due

Tuesday, September 3, 2019


Welcome to 11th grade! Today we went over classroom expectations and got to know each other a little. When you visit by website (which I encourage you to make a daily habit), you will find:
      -A brief description of what was discussed in class (including a link to the day's powerpoint if applicable in case of absence or you need to add to your notes)
      -A description of the homework which will include links to any needed documents
      -A list of upcoming important dates, including links to important documents

Today students were given a syllabus (click link below for a digital copy). Please read this with your parent/guardian, sign the last page and return this (the last page) to Mrs. Santos or Mrs. Cossano no later than September 11th.

Upcoming Dates:
9/11: Syllabus due

Friday, June 21, 2019


Students turned in final project and studied for finals. Finals will be Monday June 24th.


Tuesday, June 18, 2019


This week students worked on their final project tracking the progression of a modern social movement.

Final project


Upcoming Dates:
6/19: Last day to turn in late work (may turn in as far back as Vietnam)
6/20: Final project due

Friday, June 14, 2019


Today we created our 2000s culture collage in the lab.

If you are taking early finals next week, remember you will still need to complete the final project. (Details below) We will be working on this in class throughout next week. It will be due on Thursday 6/20 unless you are taking finals, in which case you can turn it in no later than Monday June 24. (May email a picture or create an electronic project if needed).

2000s Culture collage


Upcoming Dates:
6/14: 2000s Culture Collage due
6/19: Last day to turn in late work (may turn in as far back as Vietnam)
6/20: Final project due




Upcoming Dates:
6/14: 2000s Culture Collage due at end of class
6/19: Last day to turn in late work (may turn in as far back as Vietnam)

Wednesday, June 12, 2019


Today we finished our 2012 discussion and introduced our 2000s culture collage. Students will have time to work on this in class Friday. It will be due at the end of class that day.

2000s Culture collage


Upcoming Dates:
6/14: 2000s Culture Collage due
6/19: Last day to turn in late work (may turn in as far back as Vietnam)

Tuesday, June 11, 2019


Today we discussed the polarization and changes to the American political system that started in the 1990s. We looked at the effects on the elections of 2008/2012 and the rise of the Tea party.

Gingrich and 2012 notes

Tea party article

6/11: Critically Read Newt Broke Politics (keep in mind this article is heavily biased and look for the changes he made and the results)
6/19: Last day to turn in late work (may turn in as far back as Vietnam)


Today students worked with Mrs. Cossano finishing The Glass Castle and reviewing for their assessment.

Upcoming Dates:

6/11: Critically Read Newt Broke Politics (keep in mind this article is heavily biased and look for the changes he made and the results)
6/19: Last day to turn in late work (may turn in as far back as Vietnam)

Friday, June 7, 2019


Today students debriefed the cults project with Mrs. Cossano and began their viewing of The Glass Castle.


Today we finished watching Inside Job.

Be sure to turn in your viewing guide and reflection questions.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019


Today we introduced the 2008 financial collapse and began watching Inside Job. Links to the class notes and the viewing guide are below.

Financial Collapse Intro

Inside Job Viewing Guide


Today students did and in-class right on the 1990s and the effects of terrorism. Remember that this goes in both grade books.

If absent, answer the questions below in your own words using details from class, projects, and presentations. Spend no more than 50 minutes. Turn in to Mrs. Santos when finished.

1.Describe the atmosphere of the 1990s. What was life like during this decade? Be sure to use specific evidence from both class lecture and your culture projects.
2.How did the domestic terror attacks of the 90s affect this atmosphere? Why do you think they failed to cause a major shift?
3.How did the attacks of September 11, 2001 change American culture? How did it shift the perspective of the 1990s and why?

Monday, June 3, 2019


Today students used the short periods to work with Mrs. Cossano on LA.

In class write tomorrow! Questions are below. You will answer all three questions in a longish paragraph each. (no need for thesis or a full page for each question). You may use your notes.

1.Describe the atmosphere of the 1990s. What was life like during this decade? Be sure to use specific evidence from both class lecture and your culture projects.
2.How did the domestic terror attacks of the 90s affect this atmosphere? Why do you think they failed to cause a major shift?
3.How did the attacks of September 11, 2001 change American culture? How did it shift the perspective of the 1990s and why?

Sunday, June 2, 2019


Today we debriefed our homework and discussed the War on Terror.

Thursday, May 30, 2019


Today we continued our Domestic Terrorism Presentations. Tomorrow groups need to hand in their research and works cited.

Homework due 5/31: Notes on Chapter 58 sections 6 and 7 due.
5/31: Group research and works cited due

Wednesday, May 29, 2019


Today we started our Domestic Terrorism presentations. If absent, please get the notes from a peer. I will post presentations when all are graded.

Upcoming Dates:

5/29-30: Domestic Terrorism Presentations
5/30: Group research and works cited due

Tuesday, May 28, 2019


Today we had short class periods due to SBAC testing so students spent both class period working with Mrs. Cossano on LA.

Don't forget that our Domestic Terrorism presentations start tomorrow! Make sure someone in your group emails me your presentation and research by the end of the day.

Upcoming Dates:

5/29-30: Domestic Terrorism Presentations
5/29: Group research and works cited due

Thursday, May 23, 2019


Students worked in the lab Thursday and Friday to prepare their domestic terrorism presentations.

Upcoming Dates:

5/29-30: Domestic Terrorism Presentations
5/29: Group research and works cited due

Wednesday, May 22, 2019


Today we formed groups and started work on our domestic terrorism projects. Students will have Thursday and Friday in class to work and prepare. Presentations will be Wednesday/Thursday of next week (5/29-30).

Domestic Terror Project Instructions

Upcoming Dates:

5/29-30: Domestic Terrorism Presentations
5/29: Group research and works cited due

Tuesday, May 21, 2019


Today we discussed the election of 2000 and the impact of the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001.

2000 and 9/11 class notes

Monday, May 20, 2019


Today we discussed politics, major events, and culture of the 1990s.

1990s class notes

Homework due Tuesday: Critically read AND answer the questions for the Bush v. Gore reading.

Friday, May 17, 2019


Today we took our 1970s/80s test. Please schedule a make-up with Mrs. Santos if absent.

Thursday, May 16, 2019


Today we debriefed the major events and policies of the Reagan Presidency in the 1980s.

1980s notes

70s/80s Test will be on Friday. Notes can be used so be prepared! Make sure you also study as this will be a timed test.


Today was our 1980s/90s museum. Students had a chance to view and get notes from the different displays and gain an overview of the culture of the two decades.

70s/80s Test will be on Friday. Notes can be used so be prepared! Make sure you also study as this will be a timed test.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019


Today students worked on putting together their 1980s/90s museum exhibit. We will display and view them tomorrow.

Monday, May 13, 2019


Today students had research time in the lab for their 80s/90s museum project. Remember to bring all materials (including your trifold boards) to prepare your exhibit tomorrow.

Friday, May 10, 2019


Today students worked in the library to research their 80s/90s museum project.

Project instructions

Thursday, May 9, 2019


Today we finished our notes on Watergate/Nixon and looked at other major events/movements of the 1970s.

Nixon class notes

1970s notes 

We also introduced our 1980's/90's museum. Students will have Friday and Monday to research and prepare and Tuesday to create their trifold exhibit for our museum on Wednesday.

Project instructions

Wednesday, May 8, 2019


Today we discussed Nixon's presidency. We will finish tomorrow. Class notes are below. Stop on the slide where the committed subpoenas the Oval Office tapes.

Nixon class notes


Today we viewed a documentary covering the major events of 1976-1980.


Today we took our Vietnam Test. If you received below an 80%,  test corrections are available but must be completed no later than Monday 5/13. If absent, please schedule a time with Mrs. Santos to take the test.

We also turned in the following:

  • Chapter 51 Notes
  • Chapter 52 Notes
  • Into the Dark (My Lai Reading)

Friday, May 3, 2019


Today students took the U.S. History Common Assessment for 11th grade.

Don't forget to study for the Vietnam Test which will be on Monday.

Thursday, May 2, 2019


Today we finished our discussion on the Vietnam War and evaluating its legacy.

Vietnam Study Guide

Don't forget that our Vietnam War test will be on Monday.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019


Today we finished our newspaper articles. We also began our discussion on America pulling out of Vietnam which we will finish tomorrow.

Homework Due Thursday: Read and take notes on chapter 52 sections 2 and 4, focusing on the events and tactics used when pulling out of Vietnam


Today we discussed the major events of 1968 and their impact on the Vietnam War.

1968 class notes

We also started work on our Vietnam Protest article. Choose one of the protests below. These can be found in either chapter 51 or 52 of your textbook. You will write a newspaper article as if you were a journalist covering the event. You may choose to cover the event as a Hawk or Dove. Be sure to include a catchy headline the helps paint your perspective. Your article should also include one picture of the actual event with a caption. See Mrs. Santos if you have questions.

Protest Events:
Tinker v. Des Moines
Kent State Shootings
Democratic National Convention in Chicago
Draft Dodging and the 26th Amendment
Vietnam Moratorium

Homework Due Thursday: Read and take notes on chapter 52 sections 2 and 4, focusing on the events and tactics used when pulling out of Vietnam

Monday, April 29, 2019


Today we had a graded class discussion on the My Lai Massacre. If you were absent or felt like you were unable to contribute to the discussion today (whether because you felt like you would be repetitive or similar), answer the following questions with full sentences at the end of your Into The Dark reading from Friday.

Why did My Lai happen?
What does the story of My Lai tell us about the nature of the Vietnam War?
Think Tactical, Logistical, Psychological
How will this affect the war effort/support for the war in Vietnam?
How will this affect public perception of the war at home?
What is the lasting effect on the soldiers involved?
Who is responsible? 
Is there such a thing as a moral war?
Should a person be forced to fight in a war on foreign soil that they do not believe in and are morally opposed to?
Should it be the U.S.’s role to protect and promote democracy in the world?

Friday, April 26, 2019


Today we discussed the strategies and difficulties of the Vietnam War.

Strategies and the Draft notes

Homework Due Monday: Critically Read Into the Dark about the My Lai Massacre. As you read, aside from understanding what happened at My Lai and why, consider what this teaches us about the nature of the war. We will have a graded discussion on this on Monday.

Thursday, April 25, 2019


Today we went over Americanization of the Vietnam War. We also participated in an activity to help our understanding of why the Vietnam War was so frustrating and different from other wars.

Americanization Notes (start with the Gulf of Tonkin slide)

Homework Due Friday: Read and take notes on U.S. involvement in the war from your textbook. Chapter 51 sections 1 and 2.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019


Today we finished our Hawks and Doves recommendations and presented them in groups with our designated "Presidents".

Please remember to turn in your T-chart and reflection questions if you did not do so. We also turned in our American Indian Movement and Cesar Chavez reading that we did on Friday.

Homework Due Friday: Read and take notes on U.S. involvement in the war from your textbook. Chapter 51 sections 1 and 2.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019


Today we introduced the Vietnam War. We discussed the First Indochina War and early American involvement in Vietnam.

Vietnam intro

We also began our Hawks v. Doves debate. Hawks were those who pushed for greater military involvement in Vietnam. Doves advocated limited involvement.

Using the documents below, for each excerpt summarize the argument being made under either the Hawks or the Doves on the T-chart. We will use these tomorrow.

Hawks vs. Doves primary sources (second page)

Hawks vs. Doves T-chart


Today we took our quiz on the Civil Rights Movement. Schedule a makeup with Mrs. Santos if absent.

We also did a Gallery Walk of photos of the Vietnam War. Use the instructions and photos in the powerpoint and turn in to Mrs.  Santos when finished.

Vietnam Gallery Walk

Friday, April 19, 2019


Today  we looked at the steps taken by Native and Latin Americans to gain equal rights during the Civil Rights Movement.

AIM and Cesar Chavez

If absent, read the first two documents about Native America rights and answer the 4 questions on the front. Then read the last page about Latin Americans and answer the 4 questions again.

Civil Rights Movement Quiz on Monday! Study Guide

Thursday, April 18, 2019


Today we discussed the Black Panther movement by looking at the Ten Point Program. We connected this to pressing problems in today's world and created our own ten point programs.

If absent, critically read the Ten Point Program below and look for what they wanted and why. Then create your own ten point program for your world today. (Just to the "What we want" part, not the believe part for your own version).

Black Panther Ten Point Program

Wednesday, April 17, 2019


Today we shared our Civil Rights Movement posters and debriefed the main events.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019


Today we worked in groups to create an informational poster on a major event/protest from the Civil Rights Movement.

CRM poster project

Monday, April 15, 2019


Today we discussed the key players, both groups and individuals, of the Civil Rights Movements. We looked at the philosophies of the major leaders as well as tactics of the key groups.

CRM Key Players notes

Saturday, April 13, 2019


Today we took our quiz on the 1950s/60s. We also turned in our homework packets. Please schedule a time to make up the quiz with Mrs. Santos no later than 4/19.

Below are the instructions for essay revisions. Please see Mrs. Santos or Mrs. Cossano if you have questions.

Directions for essay revisions
1.       Have you checked the comments on your paper and rubric? No?  You cannot revise until you do so. Yes? You are able to revise.
2.       Choose the rubric categories you most want to improve: Thesis, Evidence, Analysis, Organization, Language.
3.      * For each category you want to improve, write a brief paragraph answering: What did you do well in that category? What do you need to improve? How are you going to improve?
4.       Next: pick one or two sections where you struggled, and revise that. For example, say one paragraph lacked analysis, rewrite that paragraph with better analysis. Or, if you need to improve quote integration, pick a paragraph to rewrite quote integration. You may do this for more than one rubric category. If you lost points because you did not have a Works Cited Page, you can also turn that in to increase the MLA score.
5.       If you are not sure why you got a score on a rubric section, read the rubric descriptors or talk to Santos.
6.       This will be due April 19th. You will email or bring in a printed copy and give it to Santos.
7.       The overall point of this is to see that you know where you are struggling, and practice/improve by rewriting. You should not be rewriting the ENTIRE essay though.

Thursday, April 4, 2019


Today we debriefed LBJ's Great Society and answered questions from the study guide for tomorrow 50s/60s test.

LBJ Notes

50s/60s Study Guide

50s/60s Homework Packet

We also introduced the Civil Rights Movement by looking at Brown v. Board and considered the ways in which it the ruling did not do enough. We finished by discussing the lynching of Emmett Till.

Brown v Board notes

BvB reconsidered questions  For this questions click on the following link. Watch videos 2, then one, 4,5, 6 (on next page) and the second to last video (go to page 6). Use their analysis to help answer the questions.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019


Today we worked on completing the chart and questions on LBJ's Great Society using chapter 48 of the textbook. Due tomorrow.

LBJ chart and questions


Today was a double period for English. No social studies.

Monday, April 1, 2019


Today we discussed culture in the 1960s. We used the chart below to compare mainstream culture to the new counterculture. Mainstream should be filled in using what we know of social conformity in the 1950s. Counterculture can be filled in with class notes and details from chapter 49 of your textbook.

1960s Culture Notes

Mainstream/Counterculture chart

Friday, March 29, 2019


Today we turned in our Junior Project. We then debriefed the film and discussed JFK's foreign policy as well as his assassination and its impact on society.

JFK class notes


Today we finished watching Thirteen Days.

Remember that your final draft of your Junior Project is due tomorrow. Don't forget to upload to or it will not be graded.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Tuesday, March 26, 2019


Today we began watching Thirteen Days to deepen our understanding of the Cold War tensions during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Remember to turn in your Junior Project this week, no later than Friday. Check the gradebook for any missing process steps. These will be turned to zeroes on Friday.

Monday, March 25, 2019


Today we discussed the election of 1960 and introduced JFK's foreign policy.

JFK Intro

If absent, watch the video in the ppt of the JFK inaugural address and answer questions 2-4 on the question sheet.
JKF's Inaugural Address
Question sheet

Junior Project: Students should be using the peer feedback of their rough draft to refine their analysis, adjusting intro and conclusion, and making sure they have sufficient evidence. Break up paragraphs that are a page or more. Schedule a conference with Mrs. Santos or Mrs. Cossano if you have questions. 

Upcoming Dates:

3/25-3/29: Final draft on Tii and hard copy to Mrs. Santos no later then 3/29.

Friday, March 22, 2019


Today we discussed groups that are non-conformist by circumstance and tried to come up with examples of non-conformists in our own society.

Nonconformity class notes

Due Monday 3/25: Read JKF's Inaugural Address and answer question #1 on the Question sheet. We will answer the rest of the questions as part of class on Monday.

Junior Project: Students should be using the peer feedback of their rough draft to refine their analysis, adjusting intro and conclusion, and making sure they have sufficient evidence. Break up paragraphs that are a page or more. Schedule a conference with Mrs. Santos or Mrs. Cossano if you have questions. 

Upcoming Dates:

3/25-3/29: Final draft on Tii and hard copy to Mrs. Santos no later then 3/29.

Thursday, March 21, 2019


Today we discussed those who were non-conformists by choice in the 1950s.

Nonconformity class notes

Nonconformity graphic organizer

Junior Project: Students should be using the peer feedback of their rough draft to refine their analysis, adjusting intro and conclusion, and making sure they have sufficient evidence. Break up paragraphs that are a page or more. Schedule a conference with Mrs. Santos or Mrs. Cossano if you have questions. 

Upcoming Dates:

3/25-3/29: Final draft on Tii and hard copy to Mrs. Santos no later then 3/29.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019


Today we finished our discussion of social conformity in the 1950s by looking at social conformity through television and the influence of media on social conformity both in the 1950s and today.

Social Conformity class notes

Junior Project: Students should be using the peer feedback of their rough draft to refine their analysis, adjusting intro and conclusion, and making sure they have sufficient evidence. Break up paragraphs that are a page or more. Schedule a conference with Mrs. Santos or Mrs. Cossano if you have questions. 

Upcoming Dates:

3/25-3/29: Final draft on Tii and hard copy to Mrs. Santos no later then 3/29.


Today we discussed Social Conformity by looking at 1950s gender roles and the rise of Suburbia. We saw examples and discussed examples of social conformity in today's society.

(See Wednesday 3/20 for notes)

Junior Project: Students received feedback on their 4-level outlines from me and Mrs. Cossano today. Use this feedback to develop your rough draft. Refine your analysis, paraphrase your evidence, add and intro and conclusion. DON'T FORGET to turn in your OPCVL!!

OPCVL guide


Upcoming Dates:

3/19 at 10:00 pm on Tii, 3/20 in class: Rough Draft Due

Monday, March 18, 2019


Today we had our 1950s Block Party to get an overview of 1950s culture. If absent, you will need to fill in the note sheet using the textbook.

Block Party Note sheet

Junior Project: Students received feedback on their 4-level outlines from me and Mrs. Cossano today. Use this feedback to develop your rough draft. Refine your analysis, paraphrase your evidence, add and intro and conclusion. DON'T FORGET to turn in your OPCVL!!

OPCVL guide


Upcoming Dates:

3/13-1/16: OCPVL Analysis  (source evaluation) for all sources not from the library (anything found through a google search as opposed to databases). This can be turned in any time this week up through Saturday. Keep it simple. Don't overdo it. Just show us why it is a valid source.

3/19 at 10:00 pm on Tii, 3/20 in class: Rough Draft Due

Friday, March 15, 2019


Today we got an overview of 1950s culture. We looked at I Love Lucy and what is tells us about 1950s society.

1950s class notes

On Monday we will have our 1950s Block Party. Students were assigned one section of Chapter 41 to become familiar with. The terms on the worksheet are there for guidance but not required. You should be able to get the big idea of your section across in a one-on-one conversation as if you were at a 1950s neighborhood party.

If absent, choose a letter between E and L in the worksheet below and take some notes on that section of the chapter. You can also get 2 points extra credit for bringing a 1950s related food, and 3 points for dressing up in 1950s garb (Think Pleasantville).

Block Party Note sheet

Junior Project: Students should be using their outline feedback to edit their outline. Work towards improving your Body Thesis Statements and adding analysis to your evidence.

OPCVL guide


Upcoming Dates:

3/13-1/16: OCPVL Analysis  (source evaluation) for all sources not from the library (anything found through a google search as opposed to databases). This can be turned in any time this week up through Saturday. Keep it simple. Don't overdo it. Just show us why it is a valid source.

3/15: 4-Level Outline Due

Thursday, March 14, 2019


Today students had a work day in the library for their Junior Project.

OPCVL guide


Junior Project: Students should be using their outline feedback to edit their outline. Work towards improving your Body Thesis Statements and adding analysis to your evidence.

Upcoming Dates:

3/13-1/16: OCPVL Analysis  (source evaluation) for all sources not from the library (anything found through a google search as opposed to databases). This can be turned in any time this week up through Saturday. Keep it simple. Don't overdo it. Just show us why it is a valid source.

3/15: 4-Level Outline Due

Wednesday, March 13, 2019


Today students worked on creating their McCarthy era propaganda, advertisements, or political cartoons. Instructions are at the end of yesterday's powerpoint.

Junior Project: Students should be using their outline feedback to begin editing their outline. Work towards improving your Body Thesis Statements and adding analysis to your evidence.

Upcoming Dates:

3/13-1/16: OCPVL Analysis  (source evaluation) for all sources not from the library (anything found through a google search as opposed to databases). This can be turned in any time this week up through Saturday.

3/15: 4-Level Outline Due

Tuesday, March 12, 2019


Today students gave peer feedback on their outlines. If absent or unprepared you will need to get a peer edit outside of class.

We also began our discussion of the 1950s by looking at McCarthyism and the Red Scare. Tomorrow we will work on creating McCarthy era propaganda.

McCarthyism class notes

Junior Project: Students should be using their outline feedback to begin editing their outline. Work towards improving your Body Thesis Statements and adding analysis to your evidence.

Upcoming Dates:

3/13-1/16: OCPVL Analysis  (source evaluation) for all sources not from the library (anything found through a google search as opposed to databases). This can be turned in any time this week up through Saturday.

3/15: 4-Level Outline Due