Monday, April 29, 2019


Today we had a graded class discussion on the My Lai Massacre. If you were absent or felt like you were unable to contribute to the discussion today (whether because you felt like you would be repetitive or similar), answer the following questions with full sentences at the end of your Into The Dark reading from Friday.

Why did My Lai happen?
What does the story of My Lai tell us about the nature of the Vietnam War?
Think Tactical, Logistical, Psychological
How will this affect the war effort/support for the war in Vietnam?
How will this affect public perception of the war at home?
What is the lasting effect on the soldiers involved?
Who is responsible? 
Is there such a thing as a moral war?
Should a person be forced to fight in a war on foreign soil that they do not believe in and are morally opposed to?
Should it be the U.S.’s role to protect and promote democracy in the world?