Monday, April 29, 2019


Today we had a graded class discussion on the My Lai Massacre. If you were absent or felt like you were unable to contribute to the discussion today (whether because you felt like you would be repetitive or similar), answer the following questions with full sentences at the end of your Into The Dark reading from Friday.

Why did My Lai happen?
What does the story of My Lai tell us about the nature of the Vietnam War?
Think Tactical, Logistical, Psychological
How will this affect the war effort/support for the war in Vietnam?
How will this affect public perception of the war at home?
What is the lasting effect on the soldiers involved?
Who is responsible? 
Is there such a thing as a moral war?
Should a person be forced to fight in a war on foreign soil that they do not believe in and are morally opposed to?
Should it be the U.S.’s role to protect and promote democracy in the world?

Friday, April 26, 2019


Today we discussed the strategies and difficulties of the Vietnam War.

Strategies and the Draft notes

Homework Due Monday: Critically Read Into the Dark about the My Lai Massacre. As you read, aside from understanding what happened at My Lai and why, consider what this teaches us about the nature of the war. We will have a graded discussion on this on Monday.

Thursday, April 25, 2019


Today we went over Americanization of the Vietnam War. We also participated in an activity to help our understanding of why the Vietnam War was so frustrating and different from other wars.

Americanization Notes (start with the Gulf of Tonkin slide)

Homework Due Friday: Read and take notes on U.S. involvement in the war from your textbook. Chapter 51 sections 1 and 2.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019


Today we finished our Hawks and Doves recommendations and presented them in groups with our designated "Presidents".

Please remember to turn in your T-chart and reflection questions if you did not do so. We also turned in our American Indian Movement and Cesar Chavez reading that we did on Friday.

Homework Due Friday: Read and take notes on U.S. involvement in the war from your textbook. Chapter 51 sections 1 and 2.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019


Today we introduced the Vietnam War. We discussed the First Indochina War and early American involvement in Vietnam.

Vietnam intro

We also began our Hawks v. Doves debate. Hawks were those who pushed for greater military involvement in Vietnam. Doves advocated limited involvement.

Using the documents below, for each excerpt summarize the argument being made under either the Hawks or the Doves on the T-chart. We will use these tomorrow.

Hawks vs. Doves primary sources (second page)

Hawks vs. Doves T-chart


Today we took our quiz on the Civil Rights Movement. Schedule a makeup with Mrs. Santos if absent.

We also did a Gallery Walk of photos of the Vietnam War. Use the instructions and photos in the powerpoint and turn in to Mrs.  Santos when finished.

Vietnam Gallery Walk

Friday, April 19, 2019


Today  we looked at the steps taken by Native and Latin Americans to gain equal rights during the Civil Rights Movement.

AIM and Cesar Chavez

If absent, read the first two documents about Native America rights and answer the 4 questions on the front. Then read the last page about Latin Americans and answer the 4 questions again.

Civil Rights Movement Quiz on Monday! Study Guide

Thursday, April 18, 2019


Today we discussed the Black Panther movement by looking at the Ten Point Program. We connected this to pressing problems in today's world and created our own ten point programs.

If absent, critically read the Ten Point Program below and look for what they wanted and why. Then create your own ten point program for your world today. (Just to the "What we want" part, not the believe part for your own version).

Black Panther Ten Point Program

Wednesday, April 17, 2019


Today we shared our Civil Rights Movement posters and debriefed the main events.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019


Today we worked in groups to create an informational poster on a major event/protest from the Civil Rights Movement.

CRM poster project

Monday, April 15, 2019


Today we discussed the key players, both groups and individuals, of the Civil Rights Movements. We looked at the philosophies of the major leaders as well as tactics of the key groups.

CRM Key Players notes

Saturday, April 13, 2019


Today we took our quiz on the 1950s/60s. We also turned in our homework packets. Please schedule a time to make up the quiz with Mrs. Santos no later than 4/19.

Below are the instructions for essay revisions. Please see Mrs. Santos or Mrs. Cossano if you have questions.

Directions for essay revisions
1.       Have you checked the comments on your paper and rubric? No?  You cannot revise until you do so. Yes? You are able to revise.
2.       Choose the rubric categories you most want to improve: Thesis, Evidence, Analysis, Organization, Language.
3.      * For each category you want to improve, write a brief paragraph answering: What did you do well in that category? What do you need to improve? How are you going to improve?
4.       Next: pick one or two sections where you struggled, and revise that. For example, say one paragraph lacked analysis, rewrite that paragraph with better analysis. Or, if you need to improve quote integration, pick a paragraph to rewrite quote integration. You may do this for more than one rubric category. If you lost points because you did not have a Works Cited Page, you can also turn that in to increase the MLA score.
5.       If you are not sure why you got a score on a rubric section, read the rubric descriptors or talk to Santos.
6.       This will be due April 19th. You will email or bring in a printed copy and give it to Santos.
7.       The overall point of this is to see that you know where you are struggling, and practice/improve by rewriting. You should not be rewriting the ENTIRE essay though.

Thursday, April 4, 2019


Today we debriefed LBJ's Great Society and answered questions from the study guide for tomorrow 50s/60s test.

LBJ Notes

50s/60s Study Guide

50s/60s Homework Packet

We also introduced the Civil Rights Movement by looking at Brown v. Board and considered the ways in which it the ruling did not do enough. We finished by discussing the lynching of Emmett Till.

Brown v Board notes

BvB reconsidered questions  For this questions click on the following link. Watch videos 2, then one, 4,5, 6 (on next page) and the second to last video (go to page 6). Use their analysis to help answer the questions.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019


Today we worked on completing the chart and questions on LBJ's Great Society using chapter 48 of the textbook. Due tomorrow.

LBJ chart and questions


Today was a double period for English. No social studies.

Monday, April 1, 2019


Today we discussed culture in the 1960s. We used the chart below to compare mainstream culture to the new counterculture. Mainstream should be filled in using what we know of social conformity in the 1950s. Counterculture can be filled in with class notes and details from chapter 49 of your textbook.

1960s Culture Notes

Mainstream/Counterculture chart