Monday, March 23, 2020


Below you will find several links. The first is a the document that details activities we would like to you work on this week. These are focused around the process for revising/improving your research paper. If you are behind and not quite to the steps listed, we encourage you to catch up! Do some research. Work on your outline.

If you have technology needs or other needs such as meals, please reach out to me and let me know and I will get you in contact with the right channels to help you ASAP. 

March 23rd Weekly Activities

For this week we would like you to focus on getting and using feedback on your outline. PLEASE DO NOT WORRY ABOUT A FINAL DUE DATE. With things constantly changing, we want you to slow down and really revise your outlines, source evaluations, and language lens.

Below are resources to use in this week's activities. As always, you may email me or Mrs Cossano at any time for help or questions. In general, your first period teacher will be the one reviewing your assignments and giving feedback on Turnitin, but either teacher is available for questions via email.

Peer Editing

Body Thesis Statements

Outline and Rough Draft revision guidance