Today's assignment is to work on the poem analysis located on Mrs. Cossano's website.
Don't forget to turn in the final draft of your paper no later than 10 pm tonight!
Monday, April 27, 2020
Today's assignment: Take notes on the changes and legislation passed during the Civil Rights Movement and consider the impact.
CRM Black Panthers and Legislation Video lecture
CRM Black Panthers and Legislation Regular powerpoint
Black Panther 10 Point Program
At the end of the powerpoint you will find your assignment for today based on the Black Panther's Ten Point Program. Consider your own ideals, conditions in the world, perspectives on government, and your own basic rights when creating your ten points. This is due tonight (April 30) on Tii under the Ten Point program assignment by 10 pm.
You have the full 50 minutes for today's assignment. Any extra time should be used to finalize your paper which is due tomorrow!
Don't forget about today's Zoom meeting to review and discuss the impact of Civil Rights events and people.
**On the discussion from Tuesday, practice leaving a comment on someone else's post. It could be a simple Agree/Disagree and why on question 2. We will likely use this discussion forum on future assignments so you should be comfortable replying and commenting.
CRM Black Panthers and Legislation Video lecture
CRM Black Panthers and Legislation Regular powerpoint
Black Panther 10 Point Program
At the end of the powerpoint you will find your assignment for today based on the Black Panther's Ten Point Program. Consider your own ideals, conditions in the world, perspectives on government, and your own basic rights when creating your ten points. This is due tonight (April 30) on Tii under the Ten Point program assignment by 10 pm.
You have the full 50 minutes for today's assignment. Any extra time should be used to finalize your paper which is due tomorrow!
Don't forget about today's Zoom meeting to review and discuss the impact of Civil Rights events and people.
**On the discussion from Tuesday, practice leaving a comment on someone else's post. It could be a simple Agree/Disagree and why on question 2. We will likely use this discussion forum on future assignments so you should be comfortable replying and commenting.
Today you should work on the reflection assignment on Mrs. Cossano's website. You are looking at who best upheld their beliefs OR stood up for the rights of African Americans. This should be submitted to Tii today. You can use your notes and should give specific evidence. You have the full 50 minutes to work on this today.
Please remember to go and give a peer edit on Tii to someone's rough draft. Help each other out! If you can't tell who needs one, email Santos.
Any time you have left can be used to work on your final draft.
**On the discussion from yesterday, practice leaving a comment on someone else's post. It could be a simple Agree/Disagree and why on question 2. We will likely use this discussion forum on future assignments so you should be comfortable replying and commenting.
Please remember to go and give a peer edit on Tii to someone's rough draft. Help each other out! If you can't tell who needs one, email Santos.
Any time you have left can be used to work on your final draft.
**On the discussion from yesterday, practice leaving a comment on someone else's post. It could be a simple Agree/Disagree and why on question 2. We will likely use this discussion forum on future assignments so you should be comfortable replying and commenting.
Today you will be looking at important leaders/groups from the Civil Rights Movement.Take notes and post your answers to the discussion questions on the Tii discussion board by 10 pm.
CRM Key People Video Lecture
CRM Key People (Regular powerpoint to download or view)
Below is a excellent video that gives some more depth on Malcolm X. It goes over very briefly but very well what Malcolm's life and transformation were like and is a good summary of his beliefs. It is optional but highly recommended. If he is a person that interests you, I also very much recommend his autobiography. Super fascinating read.
Malcolm X
CRM Key People Video Lecture
CRM Key People (Regular powerpoint to download or view)
Below is a excellent video that gives some more depth on Malcolm X. It goes over very briefly but very well what Malcolm's life and transformation were like and is a good summary of his beliefs. It is optional but highly recommended. If he is a person that interests you, I also very much recommend his autobiography. Super fascinating read.
Malcolm X
Welcome to Week 2 of Humanities Covid Style! I loved hearing your thoughts on JFK/LBJ last week and hope you enjoyed digging into the Civil Rights Movement with Mrs. Cossano. Zoom meeting this week will again be on Thursday at 1pm. This Zoom meeting will be focused on discussing the events and people of the Civil Rights Movement. Come ready to discuss what/who you think had the greatest impact on the movement.
Today's Assignment: Today you should be working on the Martin Luther King Jr. assignment on Mrs. Cossano's website. You have 50 minutes to work on this. Any leftover time can be used to work on your research paper. This is due by 10pm tonight (April 27th)
**Please note that all assignments this week are integrated and will go in both gradebooks!
Research Paper: For this week, you should be finalizing your research paper. If you have not already given a peer edit on Tii, please do so! Even if you already got yours edited, please check Tii and see if there is a paper that needs an edit and give them some feedback. In case that's not easily apparent, if you would like a peer edit and have not received one, PLEASE EMAIL ME! I will make sure you get a peer edit from someone. Once finished, use your feedback to finalize your draft and turn it into the Second Semester Research Project assignment on Tii. This is due no later than Friday May 1st.
**Important notes: Remember to not have overly long paragraphs. If your paragraph is pushing one page (or more) it needs to be broken up. You can have Mrs. Santos or Mrs. Cossano check and give suggestions on this. Also, remember you need to revise and include your full source evaluation as part of your final draft. This does not count towards your word count.
Today's Assignment: Today you should be working on the Martin Luther King Jr. assignment on Mrs. Cossano's website. You have 50 minutes to work on this. Any leftover time can be used to work on your research paper. This is due by 10pm tonight (April 27th)
**Please note that all assignments this week are integrated and will go in both gradebooks!
Research Paper: For this week, you should be finalizing your research paper. If you have not already given a peer edit on Tii, please do so! Even if you already got yours edited, please check Tii and see if there is a paper that needs an edit and give them some feedback. In case that's not easily apparent, if you would like a peer edit and have not received one, PLEASE EMAIL ME! I will make sure you get a peer edit from someone. Once finished, use your feedback to finalize your draft and turn it into the Second Semester Research Project assignment on Tii. This is due no later than Friday May 1st.
**Important notes: Remember to not have overly long paragraphs. If your paragraph is pushing one page (or more) it needs to be broken up. You can have Mrs. Santos or Mrs. Cossano check and give suggestions on this. Also, remember you need to revise and include your full source evaluation as part of your final draft. This does not count towards your word count.
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Something to make you laugh
Here is your laugh for the week, and a little insight into where my household is at right now.
First read this thread (just until you get to the part asking for donations, though you can read comments if you choose). If a little language offends, just skip this. status/1240676111534653442
So my husband sent me the above. We laughed really hard. And then on Sunday, this happened:
Don't worry, I am in the abomination camp. Though my husband was not... :) We're thinking of making it an April tradition to commemorate the world that is Covid Quarantine. Will you join the totwaffle world?
First read this thread (just until you get to the part asking for donations, though you can read comments if you choose). If a little language offends, just skip this.
So my husband sent me the above. We laughed really hard. And then on Sunday, this happened:
Don't worry, I am in the abomination camp. Though my husband was not... :) We're thinking of making it an April tradition to commemorate the world that is Covid Quarantine. Will you join the totwaffle world?
Monday, April 20, 2020
You have Thursday and Friday to finish your discussion questions and work on your rough draft. Please email Mrs. Santos with questions or upload rough draft to the weekly feedback if you need help with as section of your paper.
**New Resource: If you are using an image in your paper, here is some guidance on how to cite and refer to your image.
Discussion questions and rough draft are due Friday! Remember that your rough draft is also due Friday so manage your time to make sure both get done. These questions should not take more than 10 minutes.
Due dates:
4/24: Rough Draft Due (Revision 2/3)
5/1: Final Draft Due
**New Resource: If you are using an image in your paper, here is some guidance on how to cite and refer to your image.
On a page before your Works Cited page, you will have this:
Appendix A (center, no other formatting)
Picture (just copy paste your image, left aligned)
Fig. 1 (Centered underneath the image)
Then in your works cited page, include a normal MLA citation for the image. In text, you can reference the picture by referring to Figure one “In an ad released by…celebrities are shown… (see fig. 1)”
Below is a great resource for how to properly cite images and gives an example. It shows how to do it using the image in text, but the idea is the same. You will just put your image in an appendix instead of in text.
Purdue Owl citing images/maps/graphs
Here are a few other good resources for drafting and revision:
Transitional Phrases
Transitioning between paragraphs
General Writing help This is a great resource if you are stuck and need examples of something specific. We are of course happy to help, but if you're working when we are not available this is a place you can go. You can search for specific topics or use the categories.
Here are a few other good resources for drafting and revision:
Transitional Phrases
Transitioning between paragraphs
General Writing help This is a great resource if you are stuck and need examples of something specific. We are of course happy to help, but if you're working when we are not available this is a place you can go. You can search for specific topics or use the categories.
Discussion questions and rough draft are due Friday! Remember that your rough draft is also due Friday so manage your time to make sure both get done. These questions should not take more than 10 minutes.
Due dates:
4/24: Rough Draft Due (Revision 2/3)
5/1: Final Draft Due
Today, please use the PowerPoint below to get an overview of 1960's counterculture and compare to the nonconformists of the 1950s. This will should only take a few minutes.
1960s Society
When finished, please choose 3 of the questions below to answer and upload to the JFK/LBJ discussion assignment on Tii. Due by 3:00 pm Friday April 24th. Remember that your rough draft is also due Friday so manage your time to make sure both get done. These questions should not take more than 10 minutes.
1960s Society
When finished, please choose 3 of the questions below to answer and upload to the JFK/LBJ discussion assignment on Tii. Due by 3:00 pm Friday April 24th. Remember that your rough draft is also due Friday so manage your time to make sure both get done. These questions should not take more than 10 minutes.
- Do you agree with the way Kennedy handled the Cuban missile crisis? Why or why not?
- What is another example of a time when the public reacted strongly to the death of a public figure? Why do we connect to people we don't know in this way?
- Which LBJ's Great Society programs do you think were most beneficial? Why? (Feel free to use your book to get a little more info on each one)
- What is the government's role in society? How much government regulation is too much? Which of LBJ's programs do you think went too far?
- Compare 1950s nonconformists to the 1960s counterculture. How did the nonconformists contribute/lead to the counterculture?
- What effect do you think the counterculture and the Warren court will have on mainstream society?
You will have time to work on your paper later this week. However, you are at the stage where this would have been at home work. As such we recommend you spend about some time each day preparing your rough draft. Keep your mental health in mind and don't overdo it. Email us if timing becomes an issue for you.
Due dates:
4/24: Rough Draft Due (Revision 2/3)
5/1: Final Draft Due
Due dates:
4/24: Rough Draft Due (Revision 2/3)
5/1: Final Draft Due
For today, please take notes on the domestic policies of Kennedy and Johnson.
Below is a powerpoint to aid you in your Civil Rights Timeline. It will give you some information on Brown v. Board and some background on the types of segregation that were happening. Please add a few notes to your notebook on the concepts listed in the first slide. These things will help you understand how/why segregation is still present in many ways in the U.S. (specifically in schools and neighborhoods).
Segregation and Brown v. Board
You will have time to work on your paper later this week. However, you are at the stage where this would have been at home work. As such we recommend you spend about some time each day preparing your rough draft. Keep your mental health in mind and don't overdo it. Email us if timing becomes an issue for you.
**New Resource: If you are using an image in your paper, here is some guidance on how to cite and refer to your image.
Due dates:
4/24: Rough Draft Due (Revision 2/3)
5/1: Final Draft Due
Below is a powerpoint to aid you in your Civil Rights Timeline. It will give you some information on Brown v. Board and some background on the types of segregation that were happening. Please add a few notes to your notebook on the concepts listed in the first slide. These things will help you understand how/why segregation is still present in many ways in the U.S. (specifically in schools and neighborhoods).
Segregation and Brown v. Board
You will have time to work on your paper later this week. However, you are at the stage where this would have been at home work. As such we recommend you spend about some time each day preparing your rough draft. Keep your mental health in mind and don't overdo it. Email us if timing becomes an issue for you.
**New Resource: If you are using an image in your paper, here is some guidance on how to cite and refer to your image.
On a page before your Works Cited page, you will have this:
Appendix A (center, no other formatting)
Picture (just copy paste your image, left aligned)
Fig. 1 (Centered underneath the image)
Then in your works cited page, include a normal MLA citation for the image. In text, you can reference the picture by referring to Figure one “In an ad released by…celebrities are shown… (see fig. 1)”
Below is a great resource for how to properly cite images and gives an example. It shows how to do it using the image in text, but the idea is the same. You will just put your image in an appendix instead of in text.
Due dates:
4/24: Rough Draft Due (Revision 2/3)
5/1: Final Draft Due
Hello students and welcome to Social Studies Covid style! As you work through the week's assignments please remember the following:
- For PowerPoints I will point out crucial information in red to guide your note taking. Since I will not be relaying information verbally (except when prior notice is given) I have included more guidance and information that usual. Use the bolded and red items to help focus your notes.
- I will often include supplemental activities with your work. These are always optional. These are activities we would generally have done in class and will give you the depth that we will be missing during the closure. I encourage you to do as many of these as you are able while keeping your own mental and emotional health high.
Today's task:
Review and take notes on the powerpoint on JFK and the Cold War. There is a supplemental activity on the final slide.
Additional Supplemental Activity:
Critically read JFK's Inaugural Address and consider the following questions. You may email this optional activity to Mrs. Santos.
Additional Supplemental Activity:
Critically read JFK's Inaugural Address and consider the following questions. You may email this optional activity to Mrs. Santos.
- What were some of the messages you found in your reading of JFK’s inaugural address? What was the tone? What were the major themes?
- How can a speech or public statement resonate differently with various audiences, depending upon their point of view? You may answer these on the back if needed.
- How would you feel about JFK’s speech if you were a Soviet diplomat?
- A Civil Rights Activist?
- A Cuban Exile?
There will be required discussion questions due on Tii on Wednesday. See Wednesday's agenda for these questions.
You will have time to work on your paper later this week. However, you are at the stage where this would have been at home work. As such we recommend you spend about some time each day preparing your rough draft. Keep your mental health in mind and don't overdo it. Email us if timing becomes an issue for you.You may still submit for feedback and questions in the April 20-24 Weekly feedback assignment on Tii.
Due dates:
4/24: Rough Draft Due (Revision 2/3)
5/1: Final Draft Due
You will have time to work on your paper later this week. However, you are at the stage where this would have been at home work. As such we recommend you spend about some time each day preparing your rough draft. Keep your mental health in mind and don't overdo it. Email us if timing becomes an issue for you.You may still submit for feedback and questions in the April 20-24 Weekly feedback assignment on Tii.
Due dates:
4/24: Rough Draft Due (Revision 2/3)
5/1: Final Draft Due
Thursday, April 16, 2020
If you were absent the last few days before school let out, please take notes on the powerpoints below!
For the Cold War Timeline there are 12 events/concepts you should understand. Use your book to get a brief description of each one. The default view will cut off some of the events as it messes up the formatting. You will need to download or view in google slides.
Cold war Timeline
Korean War
For the Cold War Timeline there are 12 events/concepts you should understand. Use your book to get a brief description of each one. The default view will cut off some of the events as it messes up the formatting. You will need to download or view in google slides.
Cold war Timeline
Korean War
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
Below is a link to a little supplemental work for this week. We finished learning about the Korean War. Usually I show a documentary called The Forgotten War. The link to the video is below. It is a great film showing the impact of the Korean War.
When you finish the film, email me a response! What did you learn? Why is the Korean War called The Forgotten War? What impact do you think this will have on conflicts that come after Korea?
The Forgotten War
When you finish the film, email me a response! What did you learn? Why is the Korean War called The Forgotten War? What impact do you think this will have on conflicts that come after Korea?
The Forgotten War
Monday, April 6, 2020
Happy Monday!
First a little fun.

If you have never seen Groundhog Day, it is your unofficial assignment to watch it this week and laugh your face off.
Now on to business!
April 6 Weekly Work
First a little fun.

If you have never seen Groundhog Day, it is your unofficial assignment to watch it this week and laugh your face off.
Now on to business!
April 6 Weekly Work
While you will notice that the activities are essentially the same this week, there is one important addition: We have an official due date for the paper! (see document above) As such, while this week is still optional, we strongly encourage you to make some progress this week, especially if you have not looked at your paper yet during the closure.
In addition to the guidance document, I have included the outline and rough draft revisions PowerPoint as well as some helpful tips on Intros and Conclusions (examples included!). Please look over these as they give some great guidance on your rough draft.
In addition to the guidance document, I have included the outline and rough draft revisions PowerPoint as well as some helpful tips on Intros and Conclusions (examples included!). Please look over these as they give some great guidance on your rough draft.
As always feel free to upload your paper with specific questions for feedback to this week's weekly feedback assignment. You'll see in the document that there is also an opportunity for a peer edit this week.
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