Monday, April 20, 2020


You have Thursday and Friday to finish your discussion questions and work on your rough draft. Please email Mrs. Santos with questions or upload rough draft to the weekly feedback if you need help with as section of your paper.

**New Resource: If you are using an image in your paper, here is some guidance on how to cite and refer to your image.
On a page before your Works Cited page, you will have this:

Appendix A (center, no other formatting)

Picture (just copy paste your image, left aligned)
Fig. 1 (Centered underneath the image)

Then in your works cited page, include a normal MLA citation for the image. In text, you can reference the picture by referring to Figure one “In an ad released by…celebrities are shown…  (see fig. 1)”

Below is a great resource for how to properly cite images and gives an example. It shows how to do it using the image in text, but the idea is the same. You will just put your image in an appendix instead of in text.

Purdue Owl citing images/maps/graphs

Here are a few other good resources for drafting and revision:

Transitional Phrases

Transitioning between paragraphs

General Writing help This is a great resource if you are stuck and need examples of something specific. We are of course happy to help, but if you're working when we are not available this is a place you can go. You can search for specific topics or use the categories.

Discussion questions and rough draft are due Friday! Remember that your rough draft is also due Friday so manage your time to make sure both get done. These questions should not take more than 10 minutes.

Due dates:
4/24: Rough Draft Due (Revision 2/3)
5/1: Final Draft Due