Monday, April 20, 2020


Hello students and welcome to Social Studies Covid style! As you work through the week's assignments please remember the following:

  • For PowerPoints I will point out crucial information in red to guide your note taking. Since I will not be relaying information verbally (except when prior notice is given) I have included more guidance and information that usual. Use the bolded and red items to help focus your notes.
  • I will often include supplemental activities with your work. These are always optional. These are activities we would generally have done in class and will give you the depth that we will be missing during the closure. I encourage you to do as many of these as you are able while keeping your own mental and emotional health high.
Today's task:

Review and take notes on the powerpoint on JFK and the Cold War. There is a supplemental activity on the final slide.

Additional Supplemental Activity:
Critically read JFK's Inaugural Address and consider the following questions. You may email this optional activity to Mrs. Santos.

  1. What were some of the messages you found in your reading of JFK’s inaugural address? What was the tone? What were the major themes?
  2. How can a speech or public statement resonate differently with various audiences, depending upon their point of view? You may answer these on the back if needed.

    1. How would you feel about JFK’s speech if you were a Soviet diplomat? 
    2. A Civil Rights Activist?
    3. A Cuban Exile?

There will be required discussion questions due on Tii on Wednesday. See Wednesday's agenda for these questions.

You will have time to work on your paper later this week. However, you are at the stage where this would have been at home work. As such we recommend you spend about some time each day preparing your rough draft. Keep your mental health in mind and don't overdo it. Email us if timing becomes an issue for you.You may still submit for feedback and questions in the April 20-24 Weekly feedback assignment on Tii.

Due dates:
4/24: Rough Draft Due (Revision 2/3)
5/1: Final Draft Due