Monday, June 15, 2020


This week you will be working on one final project. Details and requirements are in the PPT below. This is due no later than Friday June 19th at 10pm. This is an integrated assignment that will go in both gradebooks. You have 50 minutes each day to work on this, but should not spend more than the 250 minutes for the whole week working on this.

Submission instructions: You will submit this to Tii. In order for that to work you will need to save a copy of your PPT as a pdf. Choose Save As, then under where you give it a name is a drop down menu. Choose Save As .pdf from that menu. You will upload this to Tii. Remember this will not show animations so make sure everything is always visible.

If you have any questions, please email us or attend the Zoom session on Thursday at 1:00pm. This is part of the class essential learnings, so not completing it by Friday could result in earning an incomplete for the course. 

Final Decades Project

Zoom invite 

Password is finished

Meeting ID if needed is 830 6091 5010

We are also no longer accepting any late or missing work unless you have made a previous arrangement with us. 

In addition, below you will find a PowerPoint on Nixon. This is something we didn't get to but I know a lot of you are interested in. This details his presidency as well as what happened in the Watergate scandal. Feel free to look it over if you would like more information on this topic.

Nixon PPT