Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Because We Should

Below you will find a link to a list of anti-racism resources put together by one of our wonderful humanities teachers. There are books, movies, articles. We can all be better and should all be more educated about the injustices in this country. I hope some of you will find these helpful. I have seen and read some of them myself and they are wonderful. If you want some easier but great ones to start, I recommend reading Malcolm X and watching Selma.

Anti-Racism Resources

Here are some other resources that are really great. You are welcome to look over some of these before our Zoom meeting on Thursday.

'Riots,' 'violence,' 'looting': Words matter when talking about race and unrest, experts say

‘Looting’ Comment From Trump Dates Back to Racial Unrest of the 1960s

Like Trump, JFK faced riots. Here’s what he did to stop the violence in Birmingham in 1963.

The lessons of Robert Kennedy’s moral leadership on race relations

7 Ways We Know Systemic Racism Is Real 

And for those that find music to be a healing connection, a teacher brought these two great songs to my attention. They were popular in the 70's but are so applicable and may help you wrap your head around how long this fight has been going on.

Marvin Gaye's "What'sGoing On"  And  "Inner City Blues."