Monday, May 18, 2020


Today we will look at Americanization. This is the process in which America took over most of the fighting in Vietnam. You will need to take notes on the lecture/PPT below. No assignments to turn in. This will serve as good context for The Things They Carried as well. It will also aid in discussion later this week and remember there will be Vietnam Assessment. I also clarify the Hawk/Dove arguments at the beginning of this video.

**Reminder that you are welcome to print out the PowerPoint and just add clarifying notes as you listen to the video lectures. If you have the time, writing notes does get it into your mind better but I know time is an issue for some of you. Use the red items to help you know what to write down as well.

Americanization video lecture

Americanization PPT

Tomorrow's video lecture is a little longer (still should be within the 50 minutes) while today's is shorter than normal. Keep this in mind as you manage your time this week.

There will be an optional Zoom meeting on Thursday to discuss what we've learned so far and any questions you may have (see Thursday's agenda).